City of Prairie Village
Home MenuBike-Ped Plan
Project Overview
The Prairie Village City Council, through a Mid-America Regional Council funding program, hired TranSystems to develop a comprehensive bike and pedestrian plan for the city. Their planners have worked with city staff, community stakeholders, and the public to develop a plan. Highlights of the plan include proposed sidewalks, trails, and bicycle facilities. Sidewalks are proposed for a few key roads to improve accessibility for pedestrians and mobility aid users. A side-path trail is proposed to traverse the city from 63rd Street to 95th Street, providing connection points for regional trails such as the Rock Creek Trail and the Indian Creek Trail.
Bike-Ped Plan | Implementation
What are those new pavement markings around Prairie Village with Bikes and Arrows?
Those are called "sharrows" and they are the first wave of implementation of the bike-ped plan. The sharrows are placed on roadways throughout the city where the plan identified shared lanes for the bike plan providing local connectivity for bicyclists. The new pavement markings remind drivers to expect to share the lane with bikes on these roadways. As stated in the plan, "the majority of the bicycle network will be shared lane facilities, providing the city with more enhanced bike routes with minimal negative consequences to travel patterns and private properties."
Please contact the Prairie Village Public Works Department at 913-385-4647, or email at if you have any questions.