Update 10/4/21 - Due to the Facebook outage, the public can view the meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87489584789?pwd=ZzNBQ0M2ekVKQ1l1WjVMT2tjejFadz09.
Members of the Governing Body will participate in a hybrid-meeting format. The public may attend the meeting in person or view it online at https://www.facebook.com/CityofPrairieVillage.
If you would like to speak live during the public participation portion of the meeting and would prefer to do so remotely, please notify City Clerk Adam Geffert at cityclerk@pvkansas.com, and provide your name and address prior to 3 p.m. on October 4. The City will provide you with a link to join the meeting and will call on those who signed up to speak for up to 3 minutes once public participation begins. Alternatively, you may speak in-person at the meeting without signing up beforehand.
To submit written comment to the Council, please email cityclerk@pvkansas.com prior to 3 p.m. on October 4 to be shared with council members prior to the meeting.